Philadelphia Youth Football Academy
Philadelphia YouthFootball Academy 



Our After School and Summer Camp Program: features football skills and drills, some game simulation and academic enrichment. Coaching and mentoring, and healthy meals with nutrition information take places. Our program is offered yearly. It is our goal to increase our youth’s overall development and enrichment skills


Academic Enrichment: Youth participate instructional methods, educational services, or school resources provided to youth in the effort to help them accelerate their learning progress.

Team Mentoring: Several adults work with small groups of young people. The adult-to-youth ratio is not greater than 1:4. 


Career Exploration: Youth learn about themselves and the world of work. They explore potentially satisfying occupations and develop effective strategies to realize their goals. Career exploration will include Sport Management: School, Collegiate and Professional, Entrepreneurship, Mass Communication and Business Administration.


Project Based Learning (PBL): Prepare our youth for academic, personal, and career success, and readies young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit. Youth work on a project over an extended period – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a realworld problem or answering a complex question.


Health and Wellness: Youth learn why physical fitness is important to their OVERALL development. Positive healthy lifestyles can be carried into their adulthood. To learn why having healthy practices in Social, Emotional, Environment and Career Wellness are important. To keep youth HIGHLY active, attentive, and engaged. Students inspiring to play sports will be prepared physically and mentally.


“The Huddle”: Conversations/dialogues about issues affecting our youth. Youth served will benefit from conversations and will also learn some important social/emotional skills, racial, cultural inclusion, and tolerance.


Sports Management: Youth are mentored by professionals to learn the careers of team managers, athletic directors, sports agents and recruiters, marketing, and PR professionals, and more.


Skills and Drills: Youth meet with their coaches at their schools and practice as time allot. This component demonstrates many different drills that focus on specific skills, techniques, and football fundamentals. Skill and drills increases the ability of players to perform. Our football training program will provide general football and position specific training for our youth. We work on general conditioning and techniques. We break down our football training by position as well.


Humanities/Arts: Linking youth to humanities, musician/performing artist communities through enrichment activities of social justice, racial disparity initiatives. This component is committed to the belief that athletes exist throughout the performing arts community and that they are socially conscious, and they decrease racial inequalities for them and their peers. 




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