Many Northwest Philadelphia youth attend schools that do not have athletic programming afterschool or football teams. Sports can have a positive impact on youth violence and crime whether used as a diversion from crime or as a hook to bring participants into a wider range of activities, at least in the immediate time-frame. Many youth also can’t afford to play for their neighborhood Pop Warner, youth league teams. Many of our targeted are hesitant to play full contact football. Participating in football is also a great way to release anger and stress. Team participation increases self-responsibility and accomplishment. It will increase the overall morale at our targeted youth. Our targeted youth need assistance with increasing their academic performance, advice on dating; someone to link them to mini career internships and assist them with developing their overall social skills. This program will assist in decreasing violence, suspension rates, assaults and high truancy rate. It will increase the absenteeism rate and the GPA’s of our youth, involved with our program. Our program will expose our males to positive and meaningful social, academic and recreational opportunities. Youth participants will receive guidance in their post-secondary transition as it relates to specific colleges and employment. Youth participants will be prepared to apply and gain acceptance to their respected colleges/universities, co-ops, internships and summer workforce programs.